


Stage artist

She works in various areas of the performing arts: creation, performance, production, technical execution and stage management.

Trained in carpentry at the Escuela Taller de Restauración de León, she began to build sets and artifacts for the theater company La Danaus, to perform in their shows and, finally, to take charge of it as a theater entrepreneur. She learns music and dramatic representation techniques, which over the years lead to an interest in the expression of the body through dance, training at the Centro Coreográfico de León and at the Teatro del Norte seminars given by Etelvino Vázquez.

She moved to Barcelona where she studied contemporary dance and Body Weather. He has worked in companies such as Cía. Carles Santos, Solo Picó, La Fura dels Baus, Raravis, La Sospechosa and Antigua i Barbuda among others. She has cooperated in the Dance and Artistic Commissions of the Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris, helping to organize the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (FMSET) 2019 with the task of organizing the space for dialogue between the speakers.

She is currently part of the technical staff of Mite’ls Produccions as a stage engineer, stage manager and manager of spaces where cultural events are held. At the same time, she is a member of the intergenerational scenic creation project PI(È)CE produced by the Tantarantana Theatre while continuing to do the external look and the accompaniment of choreographic pieces.

Since 2008 she works closely with the director and choreographer Constanza Brnčić, as an assistant director maintaining her interest in the incessant research on the performing body, thought and pedagogy.