1, 2 and 3 of July at Teatre Tantarantana, Barcelona
In the ten years of the PI(È)CE project, grandiloquent gestures are stranger to us than ever, they are uncomfortable. We need to touch the bone, the articulation, to see how the body makes places and leaves imprints in its retreat. We need it because absences accumulate and distances become great: between those who can come to rehearse and those who have to stay at home, taking care of themselves or others, a network of affections woven over these years extends, asking to be there, even if only as absences. And this is what we are talking about, about withdrawing the body, withdrawing the gaze, to observe what remains latent in the place, to observe also what we discover when, instead of going to a place, we leave it. Cielo is the opening of an intimate practice, a distillate of states and forms, the fruit of the long adventure that PI(È)CE has meant for all of us.

January to June 2022
Premiere 30/06, 1, 2, 3/07 at Teatre Tantarantana.
We have started working on a new piece. About Strange fruits.